How to add page numbers in a Document

How to add page numbers in a Document

To include page numbers in your document, adhere to these steps:

1. Access the page settings options located at the top of each page within the document and click on it.

2. A menu will appear on the left-hand side of the page, presenting various page settings.
3. Scroll down to locate the Page Numbers option.

4. Choose from one of the four available page number styles.

5. Select your preferred style and effortlessly position it by dragging and dropping it onto the document. Typically, it's advisable to place page numbers in the footer or header section of the document.

6. Furthermore, you can adjust the placement of your page numbers by increasing or decreasing the values in the left and right alignment boxes. Additionally, if necessary, you can assign a name to the page numbers. 

To remove the page numbers from the document, simply select the style of your choice from the menu. The page numbers will be removed automatically.


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